Thursday, October 22, 2015

Coal Update #3

Day 14 - 10/20/15

Coal's front left hoof is much more comfortable than his front right.  He is further rotated in the right hoof and has bigger abscess holes.  Finally got to put the lights on the bottoms of both front hooves as well as around his pasterns.  He reeeeeeally likes these light treatments.  They seem to go a long way towards making him more comfortable.  He yawns and licks and chews and dozes.  

The blue vet wrap was just a measure we took to try to keep all the wires corralled so that he wouldn't step on them.  These lights are pretty dang expensive.

Also, check out his body condition!  His ribs are a little more covered up compared to Day 1.  :)

So his hinds had only been trimmed one time up to this point, and that was the day he came here.  So, I went ahead and gave them their second trim.  The hinds are looking way better.

Left Rear:


Right Rear:

As you can see in the photos, the hoof wall separation in the Right Rear is the most extreme, while the covered up rot in the sole (that I've now uncovered) is worse in the Left Rear.  *sigh*  This little squirt has so many problems.  Will continue treating and soaking etc until all the yuck is gone and new, healthy hoof is all that remains.

Treating Coal takes me about 30-45 minutes each morning starting at 5:30, and hours in the evenings.  I'm usually out in the barn until 9-10 pm after getting home from my full time day job around 5:30 pm.  This is some seriously exhausting stuff.....just in case anyone else is out there wanting to "try this at home".  Be warned, it's not all pony kisses and daisy chains.  Just sayin'.

I have to say though - this is all going to be worth it in the end.  

Ride Safe All

~The RoadQueen

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